After five miscarriages, I finally became a mother.

By: d4yn1kisw8

Working in a third generation bank in Nigeria and tirelessly working my way up the career ladder would later take its toll, not just on me but on my marriage also. Since I had to get to work early and close late, I was having little or no time to rest and with time, I started losing weight from the pressure of trying to do so many things at a time – managing the home front and building a career.

The first sign of trouble was when I lost my first pregnancy due to stress which finally resulted in hormonal imbalance. It was a terrible period for me but I never knew that it was just the beginning of my many travails. I lost two other pregnancies following that first miscarriage and I had no choice than to cut my climb up the career ladder short. I was heartbroken because I have always wanted to be a mother. This condition turned me into a complete wreck because after series of tests and treatments, there was no improvement.

A former colleague of mine in the bank introduced me to Dollyhams fertility products called Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilWomen. This products turned out to be the answer to my prayers. After two months of being on the treatment, I conceived and nine months later, gave birth to my first child. Last year when I was trying to get pregnant for my second child, I decided to repeat the Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilWomen Capsules again and today I am 6 months pregnant. All thanks to Dollyhams Health amazing products.

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