I am from less than 1 million counts to 94.5 Million Counts with better sexual performance plus early morning erection.

By: d4yn1kisw8

I have been married to my wife for four years now and for the past three years, she has subjected herself to various types of tests and screening, all in a bid to get pregnant. Throughout these years, I never went for any tests for two reasons. Firstly, I already had a 10 year old daughter from a previous marriage. Second reason is that in this part of our country, inability of a couple to have children is generally seen to be mostly the woman’s fault.

Every test result showed that my wife was 100% okay and capable of having children but we could not make out what the problem was. In the fourth year of our marriage, she came in contact with Dollyhams Health, who after confirming my wife okay, advise that I carry out some tests also and I refuse initially because I feel I was absolutely fine but my wife persisted and pleaded I carry out the test as it will cost me nothing, eventually I agreed. Lo and behold, the test result showed I have been the reason why my wife could not conceive. My diagnosis was that I had low sperm count and poor motility, my count was less than a million, which made it impossible for my wife to conceive.

I was so annoyed with myself and immediately agreed to buy the products recommended which include Total Fertility Cleansing Kit  and FertilMen. It’s exactly 10 months now and my wife is eight months pregnant. My wife got pregnant before the end of my treatment but doctor advised that I complete the treatment and repeat my test and I agreed. When I repeated the test, it showed my sperm count was 94.5 Million plus the early morning erection I started noticing while I was taking FertilMen. Our joy has known no bounds and we just want to say thank you.

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I just got my pregnancy test result and guess what, it was positive. It confirm I am 10 weeks pregnant after 5 years of Agony.

But unfortunately, I am sad, while I am suppose to be glad, I am sad because I would have been pregnant earlier than now,
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