Reduce High Prolactin Levels Naturally And Get Pregnant
High prolactin Levels also known as Hyperprolactinemia has been identified as a possible cause of infertility in women. Prolactin is a hormone the pituitary gland releases into the body, mainly to assist in the production of milk after childbirth. This is nature’s way of helping new mothers breastfeed their babies and this elevated prolactin is the reason why nursing mothers rarely become pregnant during breastfeeding, high prolactin level is a form of natural birth control for lactating mom.
However, high prolactin levels in women that are not pregnant can prevent the pregnancy from occurring, because it can interfere with ovulation, thereby causing hormonal imbalance, irregular periods, amenorrhea (absent menses), fertility problems, anovulation which decreases the chances of getting pregnant and cause low progesterone. In some cases high prolactin can lead to galactorrhoea, meaning a woman will lactate without pregnant or lactating but not pregnant.
The release of prolactin is suppress by dopamine in the brain and any reduction in dopamine will allow prolactin to rise and hinder Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormones (LH) which in result in menstrual dysfunction and ovulation is disrupted but once prolactin level is normalized it enhance ovulation to occur and conceiving. It is important to get high prolactin treatment and put all hormones in balance to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
What Is Prolactin
Prolactin is hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that have different functions in both women and men and elevated prolactin hormones are referred to as Hyperproctinemia.
Hyperprolactinemia is the medical term for high prolactin levels in the body. It affects fertility because high levels of prolactin interfere with normal ovulation and progesterone productsion. When your ovaries do not release on egg, you cannot become pregnant. That is why healthy ovaries and a healthy uterus are vital to conception and carrying to term.
Prolactin levels should be below 80 – 500 mIU/L and a simple blood test will show if the prolactin is normal or high. Hyperprolactinaemia is often a normal part of the changes your body goes through during pregnancy, because of the extra breast milk you need to feed the baby. But, when trying to get pregnant or when trying to wean the baby, high prolactin levels are not normal and can cause serious problems.
Diseases affecting the pituitary glands and the hypothalamus can also cause hyperprolactinemia. Medications and heavy metals that interfere with normal hormone production can also lead to high levels of prolactin.
high prolactin levels symptoms
Hyperprolactinemia causes alot of symptoms and prolactin levels will usually be checked if you experiences any of the below:
- Galactorrhea also know as Breast lactation or production of breast milk not related to pregnancy or childbirth.
- Breast Milk in Non Pregnant women or men
- hypersecretion of prolactin
- Lower than usual sex drive
- Impotency
- Infertility
- Absent Period (Amenorrhea)
- Hormonal Imbalance or irregular menstrual cycles
- Anovulatory (Not ovulating)
- Weight gain
- idiopathic hyperprolactinemia
Simple blood tests will determine if these symptoms are caused by high prolactin levels or if a tumor may be present.
Women with high prolactin will often suffer from hypo-oestrogenism with ovary dysfunction and irregular menstrual cycles. Some women may not have any periods at all. This is known as amenorrhoea. Other symptoms include changes in the menstrual flow and milk productsion in women who are not pregnant or nursing. You may experience a lack of sex drive or painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness.
Diagnosing Hyperprolactinaemia or High Prolactin Levels
Simple blood tests will determine if these symptoms are caused by prolactin levels high or if a tumor also known as adenoma, Prolactinoma and adenomas may be present.
If you are experiencing infertility or irregular menstrual cycles, your doctor will first ask about medications you may be taking, test your thyroid function, and test other conditions that can raise your prolactin levels. Although an ordinary X-ray of the bones around the pituitary glands may show an enlarged macro-adenoma, a small micro-adenoma may not show up as easily.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a highly sensitive method for detecting pituitary tumors and their size. Repeat MRI scanning may be needed to monitor the progression of tumors and the effectiveness of treatment. Some doctors may use Computed Tomography (CT scan), but the results are not as definitive.
The hormone prolactin is down-regulated by dopamine and up-regulated by estrogen. Every hormone has a purpose and follows its own pattern, increasing and decreasing at different points throughout the cycle, but they all work together to produce a predictable and regular chain of events.
Out of several hundred thousands eggs in each ovary, one will become ‘ripe’ or mature enough to be released. It begins its journey along the Fallopian tube towards the waiting womb.
When the egg is not fertilized, estrogen and progesterone levels produced by the ovary start to decrease. When these levels fall, the lining the womb prepared for the fetus are dispelled, which is your period.
When fertilization does occur, pregnancy results and your hormones change dramatically. Because estrogen and progesterone levels did not decrease, there is no period.
A new hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is produced by the developing placenta. This hormone stimulates the ovaries to increase productsion of estrogen and progesterone, which are vital to sustain a healthy pregnancy.
Common pregnancy testing kits are designed to pick up traces of HCG in your urine. That is how the test strips detect if pregnancy has occurred. Many kits are sensitive enough to pick up even a hint of HCG as early as a day after a missed period.
When a woman has abnormally high levels of prolactin (more than 500 mUI/L) ovulation is interrupted, and may not occur, making it impossible to get pregnant. Too much or too little of a certain hormone interferes with the natural cycle. That is why it is so important to get your hormones in complete balance when you are trying to conceive.
Medical Options For High Prolactin Treatment
There are medical options for reducing prolactin levels, but as with all medications, there are side effects and it’s only work for few women while it is ineffective for others and sometime it could down regulate the prolactin temporarily but once the drug is no longer taken, prolactin level can still fluatuate or go higher anytime.
Bromocriptine also known as Parlodel, Bromelgon is often prescribed, and though it may lower prolactin levels temporarily but it will not heal your body the way a natural treatment will. Medications treat the problem without actually curing anything, and the high prolactin levels will return once you stop using the drug. This natural, holistic remedy will promote healing so the problem does not come back again. A similar drug called Cabergoline may be prescribed for some women. But you have the some problem of dealing with side effects and the problem not being cured, but merely treated.
There is a natural approach hyperprolactinemia treatment which is better for your body, and there are no side effects and the natural ways resolve high prolactin, galactorrhoea or hyperprolactinemia in female (women) once and for all without recurrence. Many women are able to get pregnant in few weeks with the natural remedy for prolactin even though they have being battling high prolactin and infertility for years and the herbal treatment for the elevated prolactin levels involved 5 Holistic Steps to lower prolactin levels naturally.
The 5 Steps to lower prolactin levels is meant for woman and female having high prolactin but for Male or men having high prolactin, I recommend FertilMen which is best for high prolactin in men related infertility, low libido or male galactorrhea.
The 5 Step recommendation is a holistic approach to naturally reduce prolactin levels in women and help you become more fertile. You will rid your body of high prolactin, stop galactorrhea (spontaneous breast milk not associated with pregnancy or childbirth) and finally get pregnant.
ProlaClear is a natural prolactin inhibitor that is specifically designed to reduce high prolactin levels and balance hormones naturally, regulate menstrual cycle and help faster conception.
Following this 5 Step recommendation can help to inhibit galactorrhea, suppress breast lactation and regulate menstrual cycles. The ingredients have been scientifically proven to increase chances of conceiving a child for women with hyperprolactinemia and to help breast feeding mothers wean.
5 Natural Steps To Reduce High Prolactin And Get Pregnant Naturally
Step 1. Total Fertility Cleansing Kit
The first step to fertility health is to remove the toxins from your body that are causing infertility problems. Toxins can cause all sorts of havoc on your reproductive system. By cleansing and detoxifying the body, you can get to the root of the problem and put your hormones back in balance.
Total Fertility Cleansing Kit Is Major Cleansing And Detoxification Of The Entire Body And Reproductive Organs With Powerful Organic Herbs To Get Rid Of Inside/Out Accumulated Waste, Bacteria, Bloodstream Of Toxins, Expel Parasites, Boost Fertility, Enhance Strong Immune System And Promote Over-All Body Functions At Its Optimal Healthy Level.
Fertility Cleansing helps to reduce the impact stress has on your system and remove excess hormones, accumulated toxins from living an unhealthy lifestyle. After the cleansing process your body will be more prepared for conception, and be better able to absorb the ProlaClear, which will greatly enhance the healing process.
Whether you have been trying to conceive for years, or have just decided it is time to have a baby, the first thing you should do is fertility cleansing, it will helps to heal your body to prepare to conceive and make it a better home for your unborn child and fertility cleansing will also increase your chances of conceiving a baby and carrying to term.
The liver is the most important organ, therefore, boosting the health of your liver is vital. The uterus is where conception takes place and where the fetus will live during pregnancy, so that too must be clean and healthy. Toxins found in the uterus are often caused by old stagnant blood that did not fully dispel during your period. Fertility cleansing also increases circulation which strengthens the uterine tissues and get your uterus ready for conception.
The liver is the main body cleansing organ. It is responsible for filtering toxins and excess hormones from the blood stream and forcing them out of the body. An unhealthy or clogged liver cannot perform this function efficiently. Many factors such as an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet or lack of sufficient exercise can put undue strain on the liver an prevent it from doing its job. Total Fertility Cleansing Kit is a special combination of herbs that support the Colon, Liver, Kidney, Boost Immune System and help balance hormones and aid faster conception.
An unhealthy uterus makes conception impossible for many women, that is why uterine health is so important. The uterus lines itself with blood every month in preparation for the fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized, the lining is dispelled. In some women, especially when other issues are a factor such as a hormonal imbalance or unhealthy lifestyle, the uterus is unable to cleanse itself properly. This results in leftover blood which becomes stagnant very quickly. This is not the type of environment for a new embryo, and may also lead to other health problems such as uterine infections, miscarriage, uterine fibroid etc
Other reasons the uterus may not be able to fully dispel the lining include:
- Poor circulation
- Excess estrogen or prolactin
- Unhealthy diet
- Improperly aligned uterus
- Accumulated Waste
- Toxins in the bloodstream
- Harmful bacteria
- Harmful parasites
- Compromise immune system
This comprehensive cleansing and detoxification system is completely natural, so you never have to worry about any adverse side effects. The deep clean promotes healing, and rejuvenates the vital organs in the body to help each one function more effectively and more efficiently. Fertility Cleansing helps to reverses the aging process and prevents many fertility and other health issues from developing. After the Fertility cleansing process you will feel like a new woman. Your body will be free of all toxins and ready to conceive.
Step 2. ProlaClear Capsule
ProlaClear Capsule Is Especially Designed To Reduce High Prolactin Level, Inhibits Galactorrhea, Suppress Lactation And Balance Hormones Naturally. Good For Weaning Or People That Have Tried (Parlodel) Bromocriptine And Other Prolactin Drugs Without Success.
ProlaClear Capsule is made of all natural ingredients. Some of these herbs are commonly used to fight hormone problems, infertility and menstrual cycle and have been proven effective in healing many female issues related to the reproductive system, hormone imbalance, high prolactin in blood, infertility, irregular menstrual cycle, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), ovarian cysts and fibriods.
Step 3. ProlaClear Tea
ProlaClear Tea is a concentrated Herbal Tea especially designed to be used along with ProlaClear Capsule for People who are lactating and who water Discharge or Breast Milk is Coming from their Breast (Nipple) but not related to Pregnancy, Women who have miscarriage or Abortion but milk discharge is still coming out of their breast, Weaning or Quickly Drying Up the Breast Milk in Non-Pregnant Women and those who stop breastfeeding and wish to completely dry up their breast milk. Work Fast when combine with ProlaClear Capsule as a Combo for Drying Water/Milk from the Breast with Significant results you can notice as early as 10 – 14 Days. ProlaClear Weaning Tea Cost=N=40,000
Step 4. FertilCentrate Technique
Fertility Self Massage Technique is a series of massaging techniques you can perform on your body either by yourself or with the help of a mate or massage therapist. The techniques help support the health of reproductive organs, improve the regularity of menstrual cycles, balance hormones and increase fertility. The techniques were designed specifically to help women boost fertility and increase chances of getting pregnant quickly.
Self Massage For Fertility is a very effective and easy way to boost fertility naturally and to help reduce the effects of fertility issues on your body. It helps to nurture the uterus and improve chances of conception. The unique Self Massage For Fertility techniques can be done from the comfort of your own home, by yourself or with a friend to help improve blood flow, lymphatic fluid, increase oxygen levels in the blood and reproductive organs, and stimulate nutrient absorption in the pelvic organs in order to strengthen muscles and tissues in the uterus. This will facilitate conception and increase your chances of having a healthy, problem free pregnancy.
Self massage For Fertility therapy is for women who want to powerfully increase their chances of conceiving a child quickly. By sending more fresh blood to the ovaries, ovulation is stimulated and the chances of conception are increased. It’s help the entire body become more balanced, increases healthy circulation, boosts the immune system, decrease stress, and many more overall health benefits.
Your body and reproductive organs will reap many benefits when you use the Self Massage For Fertility techniques. Few benefits of Self Massage For Fertility is as follows:
- Help to properly align a tilted uterus
- Improve hormonal balance
- Break up scar tissue and heal the tissues in the uterus
- Increase blood flow, bringing more fresh blood to the uterus
- Reducing stress and the level of stress hormones
- Increase blood circulation to the cervix and keep uterus healthy
- Improve communication in the endocrine system
- Helps the liver remove excess hormones
- Helps the uterus cleanse itself by removing old stagnant blood and scar tissue
Step 5. Lifestyle Changes And Tips
It is always a good idea to live a healthy lifestyle. Things like smoking, alcohol use, and lack of exercise can have many adverse effects on your body and your overall health. But healthy lifestyle becomes even more important when you are trying to conceive a child. You want to create a healthy environment for the fetus. A healthy uterus is more easily able to create a home for the fertilized egg and more easily able to carry the fetus to term, hence Total Fertility Cleansing Kit is a vital step and first step in ensuring all reproductive orgrans works in harmony to stabilize prolactin hormones.
Not being able to conceive is heartbreaking and maybe a little frustrating, but finally conceiving a child and then losing it through a miscarriage is devastating. By following these recommendations and using Total Fertility Cleansing Kit along with ProlaClear and FertilCentrate Fertility Kit, you will create the healthy environment your unborn baby needs to grow strong and healthy. You will also greatly improve the overall health of your entire body.
A healthy lifestyle also includes a healthy diet. By eating a good balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, you will improve the health and function of all of your organs, especially the liver. By now you know how important it is to have a healthy liver. Your diet will help to balance your hormones and reduce the chance of high prolactin levels. If your prolactin levels are already too high, a healthy diet and the use of Total Fertility Cleansing Kit, ProClear Capsules and FertilCentrate Fertility Kit will help support hormone balance and lower these levels and increase your chances of getting pregnant. It’s extremely important to add ProlaClear Tea to your treatment if there is any water/milk discharge or lactating also.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs from your diet alone. No matter how hard you try, you may not be able to get all the vitamins and minerals from food sources. That is why you should supplement your diet with a complex multivitamin that includes a good source of Vitamin B6. Ideally, you would take 100 mg of B6 two to two to three times a day.
To reduce prolactin levels you should also avoid stimulation of your breasts during sexual intimacy as this has been linked to inducing the productsion of breast milk or water discharge in non-pregnant women and as a cause of high prolactin levels which cause infertility and the inability to get pregnant.
So, if you are ready to heal your body and conceive the baby you have been dreaming about, follow the 5 Step Recommendation to reduce high prolactin level and get pregnant quickly, no matter how long you have history of high prolactin or even if you have tried other methods and fail or not. Lowering prolactin levels will help your ovaries perform the job they were intended for. Your hormones, uterus and your entire body will be healthier and be ready to conceive and carry your baby to term.
Below are the products highly effective on Natural Treatment For High Prolactin Level and How to get pregnant
Total Fertility Cleansing Kit
Total Fertility Cleansing Cleansing Kit Is Major Cleansing And Detoxification Of The Reproductive Organs With Powerful Organic Herbs To Get Rid Of Inside/Out Accumulated Waste, Bacteria, Bloodstream Of Toxins, Expel Parasites, Boost Fertility, Enhance Strong Immune System And Promote Over-All Body Functions At Its Optimal Healthy Level. Only One Time Fertility Cleanse Required.
Total Fertility Cleansing Kit Cost= N=138,000 Naira ($388)
Total Fertility Cleansing Kit Contains:-
- Essential Body Cleansing Kit
- Liver Cleansing Kit
- Kidney Cleansing Kit
- Immune Boosting Kit
- 1 Fertility Health Manual and Guideline
Essential Fertility Cleansing Kit Cost=N=70,000 Naira ($158)
Essential Fertility Cleansing Kit Contains:-
- Essential Fertility Cleansing Kit
- 1 Fertility Health Manual and Guideline.
ProlaClear Capsules Is Especially Designed To Reduce High Prolactin Level, Inhibits Galactorrhea, Suppress Lactation And Balance Hormones Naturally. Good For Weaning Or People That Have Tried (Parlodel) Bromocriptine And Other Prolactin Drugs Without Success.
ProlaClear Cost=N=78,000 Naira
ProlaClear Tea is a concentrated Herbal Tea especially designed for galactorrhea treatment naturally without drugs and help to stop lactation in women non pregnant but lacting or having irregular menses, ameno
Once a woman his not pregnat but having milk or pus discharge in unilaterial or billaterial breast discharge, it best to use the Prolaclear Tea along with
hypersecretion of prolactin
to be used along with ProlaClear Capsule for People who are lactating and who water Discharge or Breast Milk is Coming from their Breast (Nipple) but not related to Pregnancy, Women who have miscarriage or Abortion but milk discharge is still coming out of their breast, Weaning or Quickly Drying Up the Breast Milk in Non-Pregnant Women and those who stop breastfeeding and wish to completely dry up their breast milk. Work Fast when combine with ProlaClear Capsule as a Combo for Drying Water/Milk from the Breast with Significant results you can notice as early as 10 – 14 Days.
ProlaClear Tea Cost=N=42,000 Naira
FertilCentrate Fertility Kit
FertilCentrate Fertility Kit Contains highly
Self Massage For Fertility is a series of massaging techniques you can perform on your body either by yourself or with the help of a mate or massage therapist. The techniques help support the health of reproductive organs, improve the regularity of menstrual cycles, balance hormones and increase fertility. The techniques were designed specifically to help women boost fertility and increase chances of getting pregnant quickly.
FertilCentrate Fertility Kit Contains
- FertilCentrate
- Self Massage For Fertility Kit
FertilCentrate Fertility Kit Cost=N=48,500 Naira