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I Am Shocked To Become A Father Despite Varicocele Grade 4 and Azoospermia
I had a varicocele grade 4 and Azoospermia, and my urologist friend was not in favor of surgical treatment. He said, “Surgery could affect fertility and azoospermia might not improve”. At any cost, I wanted to have a baby right away. I was deeply disappointed with my lot because I did not know how to reverse varicocele naturally.
I was told about Natural Varicocele Cure Kit by my colleague in Hyderabad and I thought about trying it. It proved to be a miracle for curing severe varicocele as my recent scrotal studies was varicocele free and my count improve from 0 Millions to 91.6 Millions and my Motility was excellent.
My young little doll is a valid proof for effective natural varicocele treatment. I was shocked that my Hemorrhoid pains have also improve and it was very easy to use the Natural Varicocele Cure Kit.
I can't tell you how much the Natural Varicocele Cure Kit have save my marriage, my wife was already losing faith. Thank you. Jalandhar, India.
My Sex Life have not been this good before
“I was diagnosed with bilateral varicocele last year and my doctor said that my only option was to have varicocelectomy bilateral surgery.
That was the last thing I wanted so I did some research and discovered the Natural Varicocele Cure Kit. In just 5 weeks, I noticed a huge change in my sex drive and I had more energy than I’ve had in years and my girl just cant believe the sudden change in my sexual life!” R. Davis, Palm Beach, Florida, United States.
How I Got Rid of My Left Varicocele
“I noticed my left testicle was causing me some discomfort and it was abnormally larger than my right one. My doctor told me I had varicocele Grade 2 and that the only way for me to get better was with surgery.
No way was someone cutting my man parts! A colleague told me I might want to try a more natural treatment and that’s how I did a search on google on how to treat varicocele without surgery and found your website, I read about the Natural Varicocele Cure Kit. I was skeptical at first but I decided to give it a try, because of the pressure in my scrotum but thank God I did, as I started noticing my testicle returning to normal size and I also wasn’t hurting anymore and its being 11 months and absolutely no pain. I recommend using the Natural Varicocele Cure Kit and am sure you wont need any costly surgery at all, it works.”
Mr Danjuma, Garki – Abuja, Nigeria
Natural Varicocele Treatment Help Me To Become A Father Again
Me and my partner are happily married for 4 years now and have a 2 year old son. We planned two babies in 4 years with couple of year’s gap among them. Everything was going according to plan until we decided to have our 2nd child. When we knew that my wife is not conceiving due to infertility, we went for a comprehensive diagnosis to search for the reasons. My healthcare provider told me that I might have varicocele. I told him that everything is fine and I don’t feel any pain in my testicles either. He still told me to have ultrasound done to ensure whether I have it or not. Regrettably, my results for ultrasound show left varicocele and very low sperm counts.
My doctor told me that my varicocele was the reason behind my infertility disorder. I was shocked and surprised on how did I got varicocele. He told me there is nothing to worry about and suggested to me to have varicocele surgery but it doesn’t sound too good for me, so I was keen to try anything else except varicocele surgery.
While searching for alternative varicocele treatment without surgery, I can across your website and read about the Natural Varicocele Cure Kit, I was convince to try it, since it’s natural and treatment sound good, I order for the complete varicocele treatment plan for 4 months.
The products was easy to use and in 6 weeks, I notice alot of positive improvement in my body and sperm, which encourage me to follow all the suggestion during my treatment. My wife got pregnant during the last month of my treatment and after treatment, my doctor was shocked how my varicocele vanished without surgery. Actually, the product also enabled me to get longer erections, more satisfying sexual experiences than ever.
Thank You. John, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (UAE)
A Painless Cure, I Was Looking For After Going Through Two Varicocelectomy
I developed varicocele on my both testicles when I was 24 years old. I let it unattended at that time for nearly two years until when I started having erection problems and begin to lose interest in sexual activities due to premature ejaculation and low sperm count.
At that age, it was a worry indeed. I didn’t thought nor searched much and just decided to undergo surgery. I went through two surgical operations at that time, and it was about 10 years ago.
To cut short, my varicocele problem reoccurred. My previous experience was painful, horrifying and disturbing indeed. So, I just wanted a cure without varicocele surgery or embolization. I came to know about Natural Varicocele Cure kit online and I immediately decided to buy the products and try after seeing the testimonies of others.
I have been taking it for 4 months and it has help me stop the pain and the ugly vein are no longer visible. It’s a wonderful product and it does everything that it claims to do and I am satisfied. My latest scrotal scan shows both left and right varicocele are completely cleared and I couldn’t believe the result, I just kept reading it over and over and it’s was unbelievable that natural herbs could heal varicocele. It works for me and I advise anybody having varicocele to try it and see evidence yourself.
I only wish I knew about it earlier to save myself from two painful surgery, which didn’t help me at all.
Thank you for such great products, God bless you.
O Fredrick, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit Unblock My Friend Tubes
I am thrilled to share my testimony on BleedEx Capsules and that of my friend Labake that I introduced to your products called FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit, thank you for not letting my faith down.
Fibroids can destroy your life as the pain and blood loss can create several problems. I suffered from all of it once but the use of BleedEx Capsules proved a blessing to me. Sometimes in a month I could have heavy menstrual bleeding for several days and usually after my period, I look pale and anemic. I am neither able to concentrate at work nor on any relationship, this menace make me lose many opportunities in life but today, I am happy and having beautiful period like every women, thank you.
I have multiple large uterine fibroid and the biggest is 7.2 cm and when I came across your products, I wish to purchase the Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit but I haven't been able to keep any work up to 2 months due to heavy bleeding and I couldn’t afford to buy the Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit but I was able to struggle to buy the BleedEx Capsules as I needed to do something about the bleeding fast and I am pleased with BleedEx Capsules results, it controls my bleeding with just few capsules and it was so impressive that I have started gathering money to also buy the Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit and clear the root cause of my bleeding once and for all. Owing the success I have with BleedEx Capsules, I introduced my friend Labake to your products as well.
Labake was my classmate back in secondary school and as at then, was the raving beauty in our school. By the time we gained admission into the university, suitors were already lining up and asking for her hand in marriage which she declined because she wanted to be through with her education and get a good job before settling down to family life. Luckily, she got her wish on a platter of gold. Then we lost contact.
Five years ago, I met Labake at a boutique she owns and could not recognize her but she did recognize me. She looked so depressed that she was more than a hundred percent shadow of the raving beauty I knew back then in the school. She took me into her private office and completely broke down in tears before I could even ask her any question. She has not been able to bear children for her husband after five years of marriage as a result of blocked fallopian tubes.
According to her, she has subjected herself to six failed IVF treatments both in and outside the country, India and UK and after the sixth failure, her husband took a second wife and life became hell for her. I introduced her to FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit and Dollyhams Health treatment. After three months, Labake got pregnant and delivered twins. She has returned back to her normal self and the love that almost eluded her home is now back in abundance.
Above all, I am eternally thankful that FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit work for my friend, because I wont be happy to add more to her sorrow, she sees me as her best friend and confidant till today.
StaphCure and Essential Body Cleansing Kit Success
There’s really nothing worse than having difficulty conceiving due to staph infection. It was tough on our relationship, and took a toll on both of us, especially mentally, financially and physically.
We have been battling staphylococcus aureus for over 8 years and we were worried we could never have children as all efforts to treat staph infection in the past failed, whenever we take staphylococcus treatment and repeat the test, it either shows scanty staph for a while and later return back to heavy growth staphylococcus aureus. It made our life very difficult and we were frustrated on what to do
I did a search and came across StaphCure Capsules and both me and my husband decided to give it a try.
Since we started StaphCure Capsules and Essential Body Cleansing Kit, things have been so so much better and majority of our staphylococcus symptoms, discharge and odours are gone. We both took a test and for the 1st time ever, no bacteria was found, the staphylococcus was completely clear. We felt relieved and assured that we have a chance to start our family now, thank God.
You can really feel both the Essential Body Cleansing Kit and StaphCure work in your body. It is a very potent treatment that leaves you healthy and feeling great. I would choose StaphCure & Essential Body Cleansing again in a heartbeat. There’s a good chance I’ll finally be a dad!
I am from less than 1 million counts to 94.5 Million Counts with better sexual performance plus early morning erection.
I have been married to my wife for four years now and for the past three years, she has subjected herself to various types of tests and screening, all in a bid to get pregnant. Throughout these years, I never went for any tests for two reasons. Firstly, I already had a 10 year old daughter from a previous marriage. Second reason is that in this part of our country, inability of a couple to have children is generally seen to be mostly the woman’s fault.
Every test result showed that my wife was 100% okay and capable of having children but we could not make out what the problem was. In the fourth year of our marriage, she came in contact with Dollyhams Health, who after confirming my wife okay, advise that I carry out some tests also and I refuse initially because I feel I was absolutely fine but my wife persisted and pleaded I carry out the test as it will cost me nothing, eventually I agreed. Lo and behold, the test result showed I have been the reason why my wife could not conceive. My diagnosis was that I had low sperm count and poor motility, my count was less than a million, which made it impossible for my wife to conceive.
I was so annoyed with myself and immediately agreed to buy the products recommended which include Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilMen. It’s exactly 10 months now and my wife is eight months pregnant. My wife got pregnant before the end of my treatment but doctor advised that I complete the treatment and repeat my test and I agreed. When I repeated the test, it showed my sperm count was 94.5 Million plus the early morning erection I started noticing while I was taking FertilMen. Our joy has known no bounds and we just want to say thank you.
After five miscarriages, I finally became a mother.
Working in a third generation bank in Nigeria and tirelessly working my way up the career ladder would later take its toll, not just on me but on my marriage also. Since I had to get to work early and close late, I was having little or no time to rest and with time, I started losing weight from the pressure of trying to do so many things at a time – managing the home front and building a career.
The first sign of trouble was when I lost my first pregnancy due to stress which finally resulted in hormonal imbalance. It was a terrible period for me but I never knew that it was just the beginning of my many travails. I lost two other pregnancies following that first miscarriage and I had no choice than to cut my climb up the career ladder short. I was heartbroken because I have always wanted to be a mother. This condition turned me into a complete wreck because after series of tests and treatments, there was no improvement.
A former colleague of mine in the bank introduced me to Dollyhams fertility products called Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilWomen. This products turned out to be the answer to my prayers. After two months of being on the treatment, I conceived and nine months later, gave birth to my first child. Last year when I was trying to get pregnant for my second child, I decided to repeat the Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilWomen Capsules again and today I am 6 months pregnant. All thanks to Dollyhams Health amazing products.
Finally got a solution to my premature ejaculation and I am sexually strong.
If there is one thing that makes a man feel like less of a man, it is the inability to sexually satisfy his partner. This was the predicament I battled with for over 11 years. I have always been the type that loves life to the fullest and this includes having quality time whenever i want it. However, while in the university, I could not keep my relationship with the girl I loved so much because I could not satisfy her sexually. I was so broken-hearted that I refused to enter into any relationship afterward.
After university and youth service, I got a job with a firm in Lagos. My co-workers in the office and my neighbours where I live could not understand why I never kept any relationship. At the age of 39, I was still a bachelor.
Finally, I summoned courage and confided in a colleague who also happened to be a good friend and happily married man. He recommended Dollyhams Health products as the solution to my problem and I purchase Body Cleansing, FertilMen and FertilMen Erection which I took for three months.
Today, I am glad to say that I am happily married with a two year old daughter and when it comes to satisfying my wife sexually, I am never found wanting, thanks for making me feel like a real man with perfect life.
Fertility Cleansing and FertilWomen was my rescue and I am expecting my third child.
After Obinna and I got married, it did not take time for us to have our first child. After our first child, we decided I was going to give a gap of at least three years before having another child since I am a businesswoman who is always traveling. In between shuttling in and out of the country, I nurtured my son and watched him gradually but steadily growing up. 22 months after the birth of my son, I missed my monthly period and thought I was pregnant but after a pregnancy test result showed otherwise. The same thing happened the next month and that was when I knew there was problem.
I went to a specialist hospital in the company of my husband. Some tests were carried out and when I went back on the scheduled day for the test result, it showed that I was suffering from amenorrhea (absent period). It was the type of news that was difficult to digest and I saw my dreams of having a large family diminishing right before my eyes. The specialist advised I opt for fertility treatment which I agreed to immediately.
After several treatments that spanned over five years without any visible result, I was not just disappointed but despaired. A friend of mine who is living in Port Harcourt then told me about Total Fertility Cleansing and FertilWomen. She said the products have helped her and a lot of women who had infertility issues and suggested I tried it. I did and two months later, I saw my period for the first time in five years and 4 months after, I conceived and had my second child.
I notice the fertility cleansing and fertilwomen makes me super-fertile and right now, I am in the first trimester of my third pregnancy. Thank you for coming to my rescue.
Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit helped save my marriage
When I got married to my husband several years ago, I was looking forward to a happy home with children running around playing but two years after the marriage, there was no child to show for it. This was as a result of the uterine fibroid that is lodged right inside my uterus and won’t give me the opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood, which I have always wished to. My husband being an Ibo man where a lot of importance is attached to hereditary, it became necessary that we had to do something fast. I had two options open to me, either to conceive as soon as possible or let my husband have another wife.
In my desperation to get married, I ran from pillar to posts, went through series of fertility treatments which my body never responded to. I also took pill after pill of drugs that were supposed to make the fibroid shrink but instead, it was growing larger by the day. Finally, my mother took me to a herbalist who prepared some concoctions which I took non-stop for one year in a row and yet nothing happened. Out of despair, I asked my husband to take a second wife in order to save my relationship with my in-laws. My husband was reluctant but I kept begging him to.
Last year at my company’s end of year activity, I met a colleague’s wife whom I easily got along with and while we were chatting, the issue of infertility came up and I opened up to her about my condition. She told me about Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit which was used by her younger sister who was having difficulty getting pregnant because of uterine fibroids after several years of marriage and it worked for her. I search online about Advanced fibroid shrinking kit and the prices seems expensive but due to my desperation I sold my things and order the Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit.
Meanwhile, the pressure on my husband to get a second wife was increasing steadily, While my husband was taking his time to think about the proposal, I was also busy taking Advanced fibroid shrinking kit and within just few weeks, I felt my fibroid reducing and my menses improved. 9 weeks later, I missed my period but held back from telling my husband till the second month when I went for a test and was confirmed to be pregnant.
This is my eight month of being pregnant and the scan results show I am going to deliver twins and all the fibroid are completely cleared. My husband and I are so grateful for saving our marriage and helping me get pregnant at a time we needed it most. Advanced fibroid shrinking kit might seems expensive but it works.
Pregnant Naturally After 5 Failed IVF Rounds And IUI
I will like to take this opportunity to thank Dollyhams Health for properly diagnosis me and my husband, we have been battling with infertility for over 12 years. We had practically tried everything, including five rounds of IVF and 2 rounds of IUI, which all failed and it had terribly affected us financially.
Meanwhile, when I came across one of Dollyhams article in Unwind Magazine, I was a little skeptical but something told me to just give it a try. Today, I thank God I did.
Dollyhams Health has finally put an end to our years of sorrow. I realized Dollyhams is not about giving a prescription or selling products. Dollyhams Health recommends a proper diagnosis and appropriate tests, which my husband and I decided to follow.
It was discovered I have high FSH level and poor egg quality, I was recommended Total Fertility Cleansing, FertilEgg, FertilWomen and Self Massage for Fertility to reduce my high fsh level and improve my egg quality which was one of the major reason why my IVF & IUI might have failed and my husband order for Fertility Cleansing Kit, FertilMen and StaphCure as he was diagnosis of oligospermia and staph infection.
Within 8 weeks, I was pregnant with my first child. I wish I had known about this a long time ago, it would have saved us a lot of painful years and a lot of expense.
When I called Dollyhams Health, for the first time I was able to talk to someone, who had so much experience and I thank God I did because that call changed our lives. Whenever we look at our little baby we always give God the praise.
I Can’t Believe My Varicocele Could Be Cure Naturally At Last And My Wife Is Pregnant.
My name is Mr. Samuel from Port Harcourt, I have decided to write my testimony out of joy. I have been married for 6 years and we had been trying to conceive since our first year of marriage. My wife is much younger than me because I decided to get married much later in life.
After six years of failed attempts to get pregnant, we started going from one doctor to another in search of the answer to our quest for having a baby. After a long course of doctor visits, I was diagnosed with varicocele and dead sperm. I was told my varicocele had to be surgically corrected, and when my wife heard this, she was terribly emotional! she was crying everyday and worried we would never have children. This really broke my hurt, seeing my wife so distraught and her despair.
Having considered the surgical implications, we decided to try a natural approach, I tried all sort of herbal products and nothing was able to clear the bacteria or cure the Varicocele. After every treatment I took, my results were always staphylococcus and left side varicocele.
In August, My wife came across Dollyhams Health products in a Magazine and we called, the staff member whom we spoke with was very friendly and understanding, she analyzed our situation and advised us on the natural varicocele cure kit to heal the varicocele permanently and staphcure to clear the staphylococcus aureus, which we ordered and it was deliver by UPS courier to me in port-harcourt the second day.
Within 14 days of the treatment, majority of my symptoms improved and I felt a lot healthier and before I knew what was happening my wife got pregnant and we decided to run the test again. At this time, for the first time ever, my test came back without infection and my varicocele had disappeared.
I can’t find the right words to thank you, Dollyhams Health. Nigerians need an experienced Natural Fertility Centre and genuine natural fertility products. I believe everyone has had enough of trial and error on herbal products.
My story have finally changed. Hallelujah.
My husband and I got married 7 years ago. Before we got married, we had dated for 4 years but continued putting a hold on getting married because his family wanted me to get pregnant before they paid my dowry, which is a tradition that is prevalent in most regions, including mine.
One year after our wedding and having no luck getting pregnant, my mother in-law came down to the city to see me and ask me why I have not been able to conceive. My husband defended me, saying I had to finish my youth service before settling and raising children.
Three years later, with a diagnosis of hormonal imbalance, it was still the same old story. There is hardly any part of Nigeria I did not travel to in my pursue to get pregnant. I even had to go to most of the expensive hospitals and had IVF treatments, which, at every point, failed woefully. In other cases, various types of native concoctions with unimaginable ingredients were prepared and I consumed them all, praying and hoping to get pregnant. I attended every crusade or retreat being arranged in any part of the country. Yet, still no pregnancy.
At a point, I even had to travel out of the country for series of fertility tests and subsequent treatments and hitherto, nothing happened. I became an object of ridicule in my husband’s hometown. I was named a witch who had eaten up all the babies in her womb.
After years of torture and humiliation and totally a shadow of my former self, a friend introduced me to Dollyhams Health ‘s total fertility cleansing kit, I agreed to try but half-heartedly. When I started the fertility cleansing, I noticed positive improvements in just 10 days and even lose weight. All the hormonal drugs and IVF procedures over the years had, unfortunately, caused me to gain excess weight, and with fertility cleansing I felt my body coming back to when I was a teenager. Moreover, I immediately called to tell Dollyhams Health about my progress and they advised me to take FertilWomen to boost ovulation and help me get pregnant faster, which was deliver to me in Bayelsa.
In the middle of the second month of using Fertilwomen, I was always feeling dizzy, so I went to the hospital for some tests, thinking I had malaria or typhoid but lo and behold, the test result showed I was 6 weeks pregnant.
I could not believe it but right now, I am nursing a 3 month old baby and my in-laws are practically at my beck and call. Life has never been so good. I have recommended same products to some women in my church and right now, 3 out of 4 of them are pregnant.
I highly recommend every women trying to get pregnant should give Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilWomen a try, it will surely change your story forever!!!. What more can I say than “THANK YOU”.
I am 8 months pregnant after three miscarriages.
Due to my suffering from miscarriages, I had several appointments with many notable gynecologists in Nigeria with little or no luck at a viable pregnancy. It has been one medical appointment after the other and this not only drained me of my strength but cash as well. All the doctors I met recommended test without explaining the cause of my problem, and they just prescribed drugs and give me injections to prevent me from having another miscarriage. But I kept having repeated miscarriages in my earlier pregnancy stage.
This was the case until I got to know Dollyhams Health on internet and I contacted them and explain my medical history and it was discover that I have low progesterone and weak cervix, I was recommended to take Fertility Cleansing, FertilWomen and ProGesria Cream, which I took as advise and within just 9 weeks, I got pregnant and at the moment, I will be due next month.
Dollyhams products to me, is priceless in every sense of the word. Thank you.
Now, I am recovered from severe depression and Premature Ovarian Failure.
Have you ever, as a woman, envisaged what it would look like for you to prepare your mind on settling down and raising your own family and suddenly realize your dreams are gradually but steadily fading away?
Such was my situation when my monthly period seized for years and on examination, was told I had premature ovarian failure. All I could muster the strength to say was “it is impossible”.
A nightmare that started as something of a few months turned into a full year and continued for seven years. Within this period, I broke up with my fiance because I concluded there was no point going into any relationship or subsequent marriage if I won’t be able to have children for the man I’m getting married to. I also went through a lot of testing and hormone replacement therapy.
This led me to drinking heavily and becoming a chain smoker. I was completely depressed and was at the verge of collapse before came across dollyhams website and I find out they treat premature ovarian failure naturally and my POF condition could be reverse.
I ordered the Total fertility cleansing kit, FertilOvum and Self Massage for Fertility Pack and unbelievably within two months, my period came rushing out and was very reddish and clean. Till date, I have not had any issues with my monthly period anymore, no vaginal dryness and I am more cheerful now than I have ever been in my whole adult life. Thank you.
Unrivaled treatments and compassion of dollyhams to male infertility.
My name is Frank and my diagnosis is a case of male infertility. You can’t imagine how low my self-esteem shattered when I realized that I am incapable of getting my lovely wife pregnant as a result of low sperm count and poor sperm motility. This happened to be my second marriage after the first one packed up after 8 years of childlessness.
As a man who really wants to redeem his image in the eyes of the society and also have children who will take care of him in his old age, I went from one specialist to the other for a cure to my condition and after each test and subsequent treatment, the results were always the same or fluctuating – sperm count below 3 millions – 12.2 Million.
This dragged on for over nine years till I finally discover your website. From the first time I called, I found out that they are truly experienced and their expertise to a large extent, helped me out of my predicament the moment I spoke with them. Dollyhams Health renewed my hopes of overcoming my infertility challenges. And after explaining my past medical history, I was advise to order for Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilMen. Successfully, within three months, my sperm counts received a huge boost over 82 million with powerful erection.
Moreover, my lovely wife and I are expecting our second child. I advise any man having male infertility or low sperm count to try Total Fertility Cleansing Kit and FertilMen and you won’t be disappointed.
My Bilateral Tubal Blockage was Unblocked and I am a Mother now.
“When I first visited your website, I had two options to either go for an extensive fertility treatment recommended by my doctor, or follow the natural remedies that was listed on your site. After much thought, I chose the latter, and I’m glad I did.
I was diagnosed with Bilateral tubal blockage 13 years ago and I have done flushing/microsurgery several times to unblocked my tubes but I am always amazed why it always remain blocked over and over again and I couldn’t get pregnant. The last time I visited my OBGYN he recommended IVF but I chose to follow the guidelines recommended on your website to unblocked blocked fallopian tubes naturally, I bought your FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit which helped me tremendously in conceiving my child. I am now a proud mother of a three-month old daughter. Motherhood is great, and I love every minute of it.
I Got Pregnant with Twins After 5 Failed IVF
My name is Sabrina, I’m a careful person, and have always had faith in mainstream medicine but after five rounds of IVF and Clomid without success, I decided to try other options.
I came across this site and I purchase total fertility cleansing kit and fertilwomen, after few weeks of using the products, I began to feel better, all the bloating, depression and vaginal dryness were gone, my long 48 days cycle become regular, my first cycle was 28 days and I notice cervical mucus which I havent seen in years.
I was expecting another cycle when I conceived and few months later my ultrasound shows I was carrying twins and I also went through my pregnancy without facing any health problems, because I had miscarriage twice in the past, it is obvious the fertility cleansing and fertilwomen have done alot of healing. It’s was an unbelievable experience, I am blessed with twins a boy and a girl.
Fertility Cleansing and FertilWomen work for me and I recommend it for every women looking to regulate their cycle or wish to get pregnant. Thank you so much.”
Ultrasound Shows My fibroids Were Totally Cleared
For those who know me before my treatment, they still can’t believe their eyes on seeing the new me. My story dates back to six years ago when I was diagnosed to have uterine fibroid. I was not married and was not bothered about having children but that was not the issue. The issue was that my fibroid grew bigger by the day and within a short period, I looked like a woman who was carrying a six months pregnancy. It was really a very embarrassing situation for me.
Being the outgoing type, I had to do something fast about it since none of my clothes fits me anymore. During my period, I used to have severe and paralyzing cramps. My friends and loved ones introduced me to different types of treatment but none work. It was as if the treatments I went through, the bigger the fibroids become. This continued for eight years until I discover Advanced Fibroid shrinking kit, within just 10 weeks the ultrasound show the fibroids was totally cleared 100%. My friends and family saw the former Patricia once again, I look much more younger, energized and I also lost weight.
The best part of this treatment is that I was not made to take any harmful substances. All the products were made in USA. Above all, the doctors were very experienced. I would recommend Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit to any woman who is suffering from fibroids or looking for fibroid treatment. It works.
Fibroid Gone After Three Miscarriages.
I have been trying to conceive for 12 years but fibroid keep causing my pregnancy to end in miscarriage. The last pregnancy I have was the most painful aspect because I tried everything I could to safe my baby but my doctor said my baby’s heart stop beating at 12 weeks and suggested I evacuate the foetus. I cried for days, wishing my baby were still alive but I have to agree to evaluate the baby since I started spotting and having serious pain in my tummy.
After the evacuation, my gynecologist said I must have a surgery to remove the fibroids otherwise i won’t be able to have a baby. The Statement was killing but I turned it down considering, two of my sisters did same surgery and it kept growing back and they are still battling with conception.
I decided to look for another option to help my condition, then I came across your products and I immediately decided to buy the Advanced Fibroid Shrinking Kit to give the fibroids an aggressive approach once and for all. Within few weeks of using the products all my menstrual cramping were gone and I can felt my fibroids reducing in size, I was expecting my next menses when I noticed I was pregnant and Immediately switch to Pregnant with Fibroid Solution Kit because my fibroid were only 70% shrunk when I conceive.
I continued with the Pregnant with Fibroid Solution Kit all through pregnancy and 9 months ago I gave birth to my prince (Tobi), and he was a bundle of joy, my son was born few days to our 13th wedding anniversary. My husband and I were too indebted and decided to share our experience to help other women having similar issues.
Thank you Dollyhams Health
Got Pregnant With FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tubes Kit Despite Having Only One Fallopian Tube.
My problem actually started when I had an ectopic pregnancy which resulted in the loss of one of my fallopian tube. After I recovered, I looked forward to getting pregnant again since the doctor said, the other tube is alright.
Months turned into years and nothing happened. I went back to hospital to find out what was wrong and my doctor carried out some test on me, then the doctor dropped the bombshell, “sorry you have fallopian tube blockage and you cannot get pregnant ”, except you open it surgically or go for IVF treatment. I almost passed out.
Out of desperation to conceive, I agree to surgically unblocked my tubes but I was completely devastated after two surgical procedures, I did not get pregnant and repeating the HSG again was very painful but I was keen on knowing why I wasn’t getting pregnant, I repeated the HSG test, the result reveal that my only fallopian tube is still blocked after opening it surgically twice. I lost all hope trying the same procedure, which the blockage would reoccur again.
We were looking into raising money for IVF when I read about FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tubes Kit on internet. I was very skeptical at first because I don’t want anything that will waste my money and give me false hope but reading the contents of the FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tubes Kit, I decided to give it a final try before going for IVF, so I order for it and it was deliver very fast.
I started with the products and within 2 weeks, I feel positive different in my body, it encourage me to dedicate more to the usage process, I continued taking it and in the 2nd month, I missed my period and I found I was pregnant.
It sounded unbelievable but the result was right there, My doctor was surprise and he ask about what I did, I told him about the FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit and he said, he hasn’t heard about it before but will start recommending it to his patients with blocked fallopian tubes.
I am almost due for delivery and my baby is fine and kicking me every now and then. It is such a good feeling that has not stopped bringing tears of joy to my eyes. Fallocure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit is number one as far as treatment of blocked fallopian tubes is concerned, I am a witness to that fact.
Pregnant In 9 Weeks After Failed 2 IVF And Tubal Flushing.
I just got my pregnancy test result and guess what, it was positive. It confirm I am 10 weeks pregnant after 5 years of Agony.
But unfortunately, I am sad, while I am suppose to be glad, I am sad because I would have been pregnant earlier than now, if I never listen only to my doctor’s advice, I should have done my own research earlier, believe in nature and purchase the FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit immediately I came across it.
I have bilateral blocked fallopian tubes and my doctor flush the tubes twice but it got blocked again and I got frustrated with the procedure and decided to research about other options for opening fallopian tube, after fail attempts to open it by tubal flushing my doc recommended. I did research online and I came across your website, every information seems right to me and I was pleased, I told my doctor about the product I discover but he discourage me and said there is no herbs that can unblock tube naturally.
I listen to him and went for IVF and after 3 failed attempts and total waste of money. I decided on my own to try FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit and FertilWomen to balance my hormones and I got pregnant on my own.
I advice every other woman with fallopian tube issues to do their research and don’t base your option only on anyone’s advise, I did and it resulted in waste of money and time, because I have discover FalloCure Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit long time ago and I would have been pregnant earlier if I follow my heart and order the product but I disregard it because of my doctor’s advice and I am annoyed at myself but at the same time I am happy that I made the wise decision purchasing Fallocure Kit later. Now I am a strong believer of natural medicine. Thank You.
Thank God For Alternative Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment & Way Out
My wife and i have been believing God for the fruit of the womb for close to 5 years.
We did HSG and found out my wife had bilateral hydrosalpinx. This made it difficult for the egg and sperm to come together for fertilization and even if they do, the water in the hydrosalpinx is toxic to the embryo. We decided to do IVF. We were told that for it to be successful my wife’s fallopian tubes would have to be removed because the fluid in fallopian tube will kill the embryo. We became distraught. IVF has between 20 to 30% success rate……a gamble and to now remove the tubes because of it was way too much.
We had no choice, so we started the process. We did all d investigations and we were about going for the salpingectomy when my wife came across fallocure blocked fallopian tube kit. She said we should try the hydrosalpinx treatment before proceeding with the tubal removal and the IVF.
We ordered for the fallocure blocked fallopian tube package and to God alone be the glory, my wife became pregnant after taking the fallocure treatment. Just a couple of weeks ago, we welcome of our bundle of joy……a handsome baby boy. To God be all the glory. Thank you Dollyhams for providing alternative fallopian tube blockage treatment and happy way out.